Make sure to unplug the AC power cord before I
installing the unit or changing the position.
Select from three installation methods according to the
preferred position.
For 52" 60" or 70" TV Sound Bar assembly
Use Sound Bar cover joint 7-13/32"
(188 mm) for 52" TV.
For model Use Sound Bar cover joint 14-17/32"
HT-SL77 (369 ram) for 60" TV.
Use Sound Bar cover joint 23-3/8" (594 ram)
for 70" TV.
Formodel Use Sound Bar cover joint 14-17/32"
HT-SL72 (369 mm) for 60" TV.
1. Pull out both joint covers as below.
Sound Bar joint
2. Place the two Sound Bars near to each other and slot in
the Sound Bar joint and its covers as below.
To fix the Sound Bar stand
1. Peel off the double sided tape separator and attach the
Sound Bar stand cushion at the bottom surface of the
Sound Bar stand.
Sound Bar stand cushion
Sound Bar
2. Fix the Sound Bar stand as shown.
Sound Barstand can be removed _,,,4f,
by pulling it off backward
the sound bar.
Suggestion of the
Sound Bars and
LCD TV horizontal
For 46" TV sound bar assembly
HT-SL77Formodel forUSe46"SoundTv.Bar cover joint 2-5/32" (55 mm)
1. Pull out the joint cover as below.
Sound Bar joint (short)
2. Place the two sound bars adjacent to each other and
slot in the Sound Bar joint and its cover as below.
For 60" or 70" TV Sound Bar assembly only
Use Sound Bar stand cover : 10 -2/16" (257 mm).
Use stand base : 13- 7/32" (336 mm).
1. Pull out the cover of Sound Bar stand as below.
_ Cover
Sound Bar
stand cover
2. Slot in the Sound Bar into the Sound Bar stand and fix
its cover as shown.