2.3 Function Switches
The CLD-V2800 videodisc player has four physical dip-switches, #1-4, on the rear
panel of the player (See Figure 2-G below.) These are used to set several function
All switches are set as follows when the players are shipped from the factory:
Switch 1: DOWN and Switch 2: UP sets the BAUD set to 4800; Switch 3: UP Auto
Start set to OFF; Switch 4: UP Squelch is Blue.
SW1 and SW2: These two switches are used to set the BAUD rate of the Player for
RS-232C communications to 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200 BAUD. The factory set
default is 4800 BAUD, with Switch 1 DOWN and Switch 2 UP.
SW3: Auto Start Automatic playback starts when a disc is inserted and SW3 is
DOWN=ON. Default is No Auto Start: UP=OFF.
SW4: Background for setting squelch color: Black is DOWN=ON; Blue is UP=OFF.
Default is Blue: UP=OFF.
NOTE: Settings for Load Start, Power-On Start, 4800 or 1200 BAUD Rate, and
Background Color can be modified by entering data into Register C from a computer
via the RS-232C port. (See Section 3.7.6 Register Control Commands, Register C
Set, page 3-42.)
CLD-V2800 Level II • Chapter Two
2-6 TP 120 v. 1.0 • 10/95 CLD-V2800 Level III User’s Manual
Switch # Function DOWN UP Factory Setting Set BAUD Rate w/ SW1 & 2
Sw 1 BAUD Rate
Sw 2 BAUD Rate
Sw 3 Auto Start Auto Start No Start UP/No Start
Sw 4 Background Black Blue UP/Blue
Figure 2-G
12 34
Function Switch Settings
CLD-V2800 has 4 function switches on the back of the
player. After changing the switches to new settings, power
down and then power on the player again to commit the
settings to the player’s memory.
These two switches are used
to set the BAUD RATE:
9600, 4800, 2400 or 1200
sets 4800 BAUD
9600 UP UP
4800 DOWN UP
2400 UP DOWN