If you later decide to record on a tape side after you
have removed its erase-protection tab, place a piece
of strong plastic tape over the side’s erase-protection
hole. Be sure you cover only the hole originally cov-
ered by the erase-protection tab.
Caution: Removing the erase-protection tabs does
not prevent a bulk tape eraser from erasing a cas-
sette tape.
Erasing Tapes
If you record on a previously recorded tape, you re-
place the old recording with the new. You can also
erase part or all of a tape without recording new ma-
terial by following these steps:
1. Load a cassette and disconnect the microphone,
if it is connected.
2. Set
3. Press
. As the tape moves, it
is erased.
4. Press
to stop erasing.
If you want to quickly erase a cassette, you can use a
bulk eraser (Cat. No. 44-232).
14-1239a.fm Page 27 Wednesday, August 25, 1999 4:00 PM