
1: Record/Playback Settings
•Lower sample rates/bit depths allow more recording time, and higher settings increase audio quality
•See page 12 for possible settings
• The maximum possible recording capacity is calculated for the rate/depth settings you choose
•Checkbox enables looped playback, so an event loops as it plays (see page 7)
• Click Show files to show the BackTrack directories/folders in Windows® Explorer or Mac® Finder
2: Device Information
•This is your firmeware version: always include it in communication with Line 6 Customer Support
•Auto-Shutdown can be enabled to conserve battery when BackTrack is left on, but not capturing
• If no audio is detected within the time you select, BackTrack powers off: indicator light will be off
• To again use BackTrack, you must move the Off/Play Only/On to Off, then to On or Play Only
•Press Set Date/Time to set the clock in your BackTrack to match your computer’s date/time
• Follow the instructions that will be shown onscreen 
• New files created by BackTrack will then show the proper creation date/time when viewed on your computer
• See the Advanced Guide at www.line6.com/manuals for information on other features
3: Guitar Auto Capture
•Presets configure the auto capture settings for the IN jack
•Selecting Off for Auto Capture prevents auto capture from the IN jack
•Selecting Soft for Auto Capture allows low level audio to trigger auto recording
•Selecting Medium for Auto Capture requires mdeium level audio to trigger auto recording
•Selecting Loud for Auto Capture requires high level audio to trigger auto recording
• An audio event will be not be captured if shorter than the Discard events setting
• When auto capturing, light is dark blue until this time is exceeded
• An event ends when the audio level drops below the Auto Capture level, for at least the Split time 
• When auto capturing, light blinks rapidly to indicate the end of an event
4: Mic Auto Capture (settings apply to BackTrack + Mic only)
•The mic can be configured for auto capture like the IN jack
•There is also a Gain setting for increasing/decreasing the mic preamp level
•Enable AGC (Auto Level) to allow mic preamp gain to be auto adjusted in response to incoming audio, but
note that this may reduce the ability of BackTrack to split events during auto capture
BackTrack Setup Utility