Rev 3, March/2007 ©Honeywell International Inc. Do not print without express permission of Honeywell. 3-1
KNI 582
The KNI 582 RMI display is discussed below:
The KNI 582 RMI repeats magnetic heading information from a directional gyro system.
Aircraft heading is read under the lubber line of the KNI 582 RMI.
When an ADF receiver is tuned to a station and the appropriate pointer placed in the ADF
mode, the arrow of the pointer indicates the magnetic heading to the ADF station. Thus,
if the pilot desires to fly toward the station, he merely turns his aircraft to the magnetic
heading indicated by the pointer.
When a VOR receiver is tuned to a VOR station and the appropriate pointer placed in the
VOR mode, the arrow of the pointer indicates the magnetic heading to the VOR station. If
the KNI 582 RMI is used in an area navigation system, the VOR pointer indicates
magnetic heading to the waypoint. Should a localizer frequency be selected or the VOR
receiver indicates a flagged condition, the VOR pointer is parked 90° to the right of the
lubber line.
A. Compass Card/Lubber Line: This rotating card repeats gyro stabilized
magnetic compass information. Aircraft
heading is read from the compass card
under the orange lubber line.
B. Compass Flag: This flag comes into view whenever the
compass system determines that the
heading is invalid or the indicated heading
has an error of 5° or more.
C. Pointers: The arrow of either pointer indicates the
magnetic heading to a VOR station/area
navigation waypoint of an ADF station
depending on the position of the front panel
switches associated with the pointer.