Garmin XT Stereo Receiver User Manual

16 Garmin Mobile
XT Owner’s Manual
Where to?
Finding Intersections
From the main Garmin Mobile XT page, select Where to > Intersections.
Select a country and state/region (if necessary).
To search all cities, select Search All Cities. You can also select Spell City/
Postal Code, enter part of the name, and then select the city from the list.
Enter all or part of the rst street name or number and then select the street
from the list.
NOTE: When entering street information, you do not need to enter a prex or
sufx. For example, to nd “E Main St,” you can enter “Main.”
Enter all or part of the second street name or number and then select the
street from the list.
If many intersections match your search criteria, select the correct intersection
from the list. The intersection’s information page opens.
Select Go to create a route to this location or select another option. See page
5 for more information.
Finding PeerPoints™
After you receive a PeerPoints message, you can create a route to it.
From the main Garmin Mobile XT page, select Where to > PeerPoints or
select (Menu >) Tools > PeerPoints.
Select the PeerPoints message from the list, and then select View Details.
Select Go to create a route or select another option. See page 5.
For more information on PeerPoints, see pages 28–29.