Freecom Technologies MusicPal Radio User Manual

Freecom MusicPal
3. Select how many minutes should elapse until the time is shown in full-screen mode.
You can choose from the following options:
2 minutes
5 minutes
15 minutes
• 30 minutes
• 60 minutes
• 120 minutes
• Never
Mouse-click Apply.
3. RSS Feed
This feature enables you to activate a news ticker in your Freecom MusicPal. Besides this,
you have the option of entering the URL address of a news ticker you want.
Log into the web configuration of your Freecom MusicPal.
2. Mouse-click RSS Feed in the left-hand menu bar.
Select whether you wish to activate an RSS feed, otherwise remove the check in front
of Use RSS feed in clock.
Use the keypad to enter the URL address of the RSS feed you want. If you have removed
the check in front of Use RSS feed in clock, you can ignore this entry.
Mouse-click Apply.