6.3 Software Overview
The AR-32 Architectural Recorder System includes computer software that is used to configure and load shows
to the controller itself. The software is designed for use on Microsoft Windows computer operating systems.
6.3.1 Main Screen
When the AR-32 Control System Software is launched, the Main Screen (Figure 6) is displayed.
Figure 6
From the Main Screen, users may perform the following actions:
x Access File, Edit, and Help menus
x [Open Flash] files and assign each of the 12 [FlashX:] buttons
x Set RGB Point (1-170)
x Select Low Cut on/off
x [Preview] a selected Flash program
x [FileConvert] a selected Flash file to a .scn file
x Record [DMX Recorder] scenes to a .scn file
x Open [Edit Show] and [Event Edit] screens
x [Play], [Pause], and [Stop] selected Flash file
The Main Screen displays the current date and time in the lower right corner of the screen. These values are
synchronized by the PC time and date settings.