Audible signals
Audible signals tell you if a function is
To choose between high and low
entered correctly or not. They also tell you
volume signals:
when a cycle is completed.
Press and hold the Delay Start Time pad
To shut off all signals except for error
for 5 seconds. A short tone will
tones and the hidden function signal:
sound to tell you the signals have
Press and hold the Stop Time pad for
been changed. Either “HI” and
5 seconds. A short tone will sound
“Snd” or “LO” and “Snd” will
to tell you the signals have been
appear on the time display to
changed. “Snd” and “On” or “Snd”
show the volume you chose. If the volume is
and “Off” will appear on the
changed while the audible signals are off,
when signals are turned back on they will be
Repeat the above step to turn the signals
at the volume setting chosen.
back on.