MMP-16Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 5 • MMP-16 System Applications
The Lynx Bus
The Lynx bus allows control of the MMP via a TimeLine Lynx Keyboard Control Unit (KCU). Connect
the KCU to one of the Lynx bus connectors on the back of the MMP. It is not necessary to have a Lynx 2
module as part of the system, since the MMP behaves as a Lynx synchronizer itself when connected to a
KCU. Other Lynx modules may then be connected through the other Lynx bus connector and the entire
system (up to a limit of six devices) controlled from the KCU.
To setup the MMP to be controlled from a Lynx KCU, set menu 120 (Lynx Bus) to Slave/KCU and use
menu 121 (Lynx Address) to set a valid Lynx address (one not used by any other Lynx device controlled
form the KCU). Although normal transport and track arm functions may be controlled from a standard
KCU, there is a special version of the Lynx KCU software (version 900) which provides increased
support for special MMP functions.
The KCU 900 software provides the following features for controlling the MMP-16 and MMR-8:
• Transport Control
• Track Record Arm/Select (MMR-8 only)
• Slip Track/Region
• Undo/Redo
• Goto Prev/Next Edit
• Goto Head/Tail
• Clear/Paste
Note that No support is provided by the KCU 900 software for the Lynx System Supervisor Unit (SSU)
Transport Control
The Lynx KCU will recognize the MMP-16 unit and will control all of the normal transport functions of
the unit. Note that the KCU does not support reverse play of multiple MMP units. When using the Roll
Back key for reverse play, it is first necessary to solo a machine.
Track Record Arm/Select (MMR-8 Only)
To arm a track for record or to select a track for an edit or goto operation, press the Track key on the KCU
and then press the appropriate number key on the calculator keypad to select or arm the desired track. The
Slip operation, as well as goto Prev/Next edit, goto Head/Tail, and Clear/Paste will operate only on tracks
that have been selected in this manner. If one of these operations is attempted, but a track is not selected,
the KCU display will prompt you to select a track first.
Hold CLR while pressing the Head or Tail key to set the current time to the beginning or end of the
material on the selected track(s). You may then play from that point, or store the value in the desired
timecode register (press STO then the appropriate key on the Calculator).