
Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMP-16 Operation MMP-16
SHIFT The yellow SHIFT key functions like a locking keyboard shift key. When active, it
modifies those keys that have a shift function assigned to them (identified by the
function name written above the gray keys). Pressing and releasing the yellow Shift
key causes the shift LED to turn on, indicating SHIFT is active. Pressing a gray
key with a shift function will then perform the shifted function and turn off the
yellow Shift LED. To cancel Shift without pressing a function key, press SHIFT
again or press CLR (the shift LED will then turn off).
If multiple shifted keys are to be entered in a sequence, press and hold SHIFT (the
shift LED will light) while pressing the various gray keys in sequence. When you
lift your finger off SHIFT, the Shift function will be canceled (and the shift LED
will turn off).
Use of the shift key is indicated in the text by SHIFT+X, where X indicates one of
the gray keys. For example, pressing SHIFT+EDIT captures the in and out points
of the current edit event, while pressing SHIFT+LOOP only cancels Shift (since
LOOP has no shift function). All the various shifted functions are described in the
appropriate key definitions. They are also listed in the Key Command Summary in
Appendix A.
STO (STORE) The Store key is an important key, performing the functions of an enter or
confirmation key for various operations, as well as being a selection key for an
actual store operation. Pressing STO + SEL will enter the current hold register time
code as a Slip amount for the selected track. In the Setup and Track states, its
alternate function is to answer “yes” to a Verify or Error state operator query.
In the Normal state, the store key is used to save the hold register value into another
register. To store a time code value into a register, press the STO key followed by a
numeric key (to save the value to a memory register) or by the shift key and a
numeric key (to save the value to a special-purpose register). In the Setup state,
pressing STO selects the parameter value displayed in the LCD or undertakes an
action, according to the type of menu displayed. In the Verify state, the Store key
serves both to complete a password entry and to confirm a potentially destructive
action. When loading projects or tracks (in the Load Track state), the Store key
initiates the action of loading tracks into the MMP Track index locations. The LED
above the Store key will flash when the key is pressed to begin a store operation,
and will flash more quickly when pressing this key is a possible YES response to a
verify request or menu parameter selection. There is no shifted function for this key.
RCL (RECALL) This key is used to recall one of the time code registers, and to make it the “active”
register. Pressing RCL+ a numeric key recalls one of the 10 system memory
registers. Special-purpose register contents may also be accessed in this way through
using RCL+SHIFT+ a numeric key. After a recall operation, the recalled value is
displayed in the bottom line of the LCD. It is preceded with a four-character
mnemonic indicating the register that was recalled. The Recall key is also used to
provide a NO or negative response to a query when confirmation of a potentially
destructive action is required. The LED above the Recall key will flash when the key
is pressed to begin a recall operation, and will flash more quickly when pressing this
key is a possible NO response to a verify request or menu parameter selection. There
is no shifted function for this key.