
Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 1 • General Information MMP-16
A 40-character (two line by 20-character) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) serves as the MMP-16 status and
control text window. The top line typically shows the machine status and current time code or feet/frames
location, while the bottom line shows various time code registers (memory, slip. etc.) and accepts input
from the front panel. The entire display may also alert the operator to any machine or user error
conditions. It can be scrolled horizontally or vertically, using the Wheel or arrow keys, for entering
Panel/Display state and setup information, or for finding and loading projects and tracks.
There are dedicated front panel LED peak meters that always display monitor level information for the
track outputs during playback. Each meter contains seven green, yellow and red LEDs plus a CLIP/Hold
LED for easy at-a-glance level monitoring. An additional 70 status LEDs instantly identify current
synchronization modes, bus control modes, sample and frame reference settings, and transport status.
The MMP-16 rear panel contains all the audio and synchronization connections. To minimize connector
footprint, female DB-25 connectors are used for the audio connections. The sixteen analog audio outputs
are divided between two female DB-25 connectors, each providing eight channels of audio. Each analog
connector mounts on a separate card within the chassis, and is labeled to show which channels (1-8 or 9-
16) are present. The connectors are pin-compatible with the Tascam DA-88 analog audio connector.
The digital output card allows direct digital audio transfers out of the MMP-16. Because it uses standard
AES/EBU digital signal conventions, there are four stereo digital audio outputs with odd-even track pairs
per connector. Tracks 1+2 are on the first AES/EBU connection, tracks 3+4 on the second AES/EBU
connection, and so on. Note that these connectors carry AES/EBU digital signals using the standard DA-
88 analog audio cable and are NOT pin-compatible with the Tascam DA-88 TDIF digital audio format
connector cable.
Built-in biphase control allows the MMP-16 to automatically lock to and chase biphase devices
without having to use an external biphase to SMPTE/EBU adapter. Up to four biphase input
signals can be simultaneously connected to the MMP-16. The active biphase input is determined in the
Sync Group selection menu (menu 100). A biphase output allows the MMP-16 to directly control a single
biphase bus. Software setup parameters allow various biphase device limitations to be imposed upon the
MMP-16 (speed of fast forward and rewind, ramp up and stop speed, etc., accessed through the #300
menu bank). Not intended for public telecommunication network connection.
Video post-production work can be done with any industry-standard playback device. The MMP-16
supports VITC, SMPTE/EBU LTC time code, Word Clock, house sync, MTC, and P2-bus (Sony 9-pin)
The Tascam MM-RC is a dedicated remote control unit designed specially for use with the MMR-8
recorder and the MMP-16 player. It connects directly to the UI/B board on the MMR/MMP back panel
and allows control of any combination of up to 100 MMR-8 or MMP-16 units.
The TimeLine Lynx Keyboard Control Unit (KCU) can function as a remote controller for up to six
MMP-16s or other transports as the MMP-16 contains an integrated Lynx-2 synchronizer. The TimeLine
Lynx KCU 900 software includes special support for some MMP editing and event-slip commands. Other
remote controllers can also be used for controlling the transport and track arm functions of the MMP-16
through the two Parallel Remote ports or the Serial Editor (Sony 9-pin) port.