Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Appendix E • Glossary
and Terms Definitions
Control Mode The mode (menu 000) which sets how the MMP-16 is being controlled.
Control Track The VTR speed control signal recorded onto the tape. It typically also has time
code recorded in it.
DF Drop Frame. A type of time code that compensates for color video tape (which
runs at 29.97 frames per second) having 108 less frames per hour than black
and white video (which uses 30 frames per second). Since most video
productions are in color, 108 frames must be “dropped” each hour from the
audio in order to keep audio and video in sync. 29.97 DF is the normal time
code used in the majority of video applications.
Dubber An audio transport that uses film sprockets as its timing device.
Edit The process of modifying the tracks in a project using the EDIT key and one of
the edit functions (cut, copy, paste, clear, insert, open).
Error An LCD display that indicates a problem with the MMP-16 or with the last
operator key entry.
Frame Each image on a film strip is a frame. In video, a frame consists of two
interlaced fields. In film there are 24 frames per second (fps). In video there are
25 fps in the PAL and SECAM systems (European broadcasting) and 29.97 fps
in the NTSC system (USA and Japan). Older black and white video and audio-
only applications use 30 fps.
Frame Reference The timing signal for each frame of video.
Groups There are four Sync Groups in the MMP-16. This allows multiple MMP-16s to
be shared between up to four film transports or video systems.
HH:MM:SS:FF SMPTE/EBU time code stated as Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames.
Head The start of a project.
Input Monitor Applies the MMP-16 track Input to the Output in lieu of the audio from the
hard drive. Typically used to check Input levels before recording.
Interlock Refers to synchronizing film transports, audio dubbers and audio transports via
the biphase bus.
Jam Sync When discontinuous time code is found on a tape, jam sync will ignore the gaps
to create continuous time code on another tape.
Jog Also called scrub, this function uses the Wheel to manually control the speed of
forward and reverse play.
KCU Keyboard Control Unit. TimeLine’s external machine controller. Provides
remote control for up to six machines (MMP-16s or tape machines).