CGI Command Manual
LODMinObjectSize "small"/"middle"/"large" lod lod.cgi 1.00 Set up the minimum size of the object.
LODSensitivity "0" to "100" lod lod.cgi 1.00 Set up the sensitivity.
The Lite object detection CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNC-CH110/120/140/160/180/210/220/240/260/280
♦ SNC-DH110/110T/120/120T/140/140T/160/180/210/210T/220/220T/240/240T/260/280
♦ SNC-RH124/164
♦ SNC-RS44/46/84/86
♦ SNT- EX101/101E/104/154
11.33 Audio detection
Parameter Value InqParm SetCGI Ver Note
ADFunc "on"/"off" audiodetection audiodetection.cgi 1.10
ADSensitivity "low"/"high"/"manual" audiodetection audiodetection.cgi 1.10
ADManualSensitivity "1"to"100" audiodetection audiodetection.cgi 1.10
The Audio detection CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNC-CH110/120/160/210/260
♦ SNC-DH110/110T/120/120T/160/210/210T/220/220T/260
♦ SNT- EP104/15
11.34 All configuration
Parameter Value InqParm SetCGI Ver Note
- - all-configuration all-configuration.cgi 1.00
- - - all-configuration-preset.cgi 1.00 Preset data is included into restoring.
"all-configuration" is used to preserve the setting of camera. Or, the setting can be preserved by reading http://<ip>/home/l4/<modelname>.cfg (<modelname> is a small letter).