CGI Command Manual
SNC-DH260 Ao<AO>AlmAud, Ao<AO>AlmVmf
The Alarm out CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNC-CH110/210
♦ SNC-DH110/110T/120/120T/210/210T
♦ SNT-EP104/154
11.27 Voice alert
Parameter Value InqParm SetCGI Ver Note
VoiceAlert<n>Func "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00
<n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Enable or disable the voice alert function.
Va<n>File "Uploaded"/"Not uploaded" voicealert - 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3. Whether voice alert file exists or doesn't exist.
Va<n>Filename "<file name>"/ "" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmDetection "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmVmf "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmTampering "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmSensor<AI> "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmAud "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.10 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmPeriod "always"/"schedule" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmSchedule "<schedule>" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>AlmRepeat "1"to"3" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>ManualFunc "on"/"off" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
Va<n>ManRepeat "1"to"3" voicealert voicealert.cgi 1.00 <n> is the integer of 1 to 3.
The Voice alert CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNC-CH110/120/160/210/220/260
♦ SNC-DH110/110T/120/120T/160/210/210T/220/220T/260