CGI Command Manual
Combo<ZZZZ>Duration <time>,<time>,... combo objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Set up the duration of the compound detection
Combo<ZZZZ>Logic "and"/"or" combo objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Set up the condition of the compound detection
The VMF CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNC-CH110/120/160/210/220/260
♦ SNC-DH110/110T/120/120T/160/210/210T/220/220T/260
♦ SNT-EP104/154
<XXX> of the Parameter relates to the Preset Position number (001 to 256) and Current Position (Def). It is replaced in "001" - "256" or "Def". <YY> is
the filter which relates to Preset Position. "01" - "10" are replacing for <YY>. Example) VmfPassing00101, VmfPassingDef10
<ZZZZ> is four-digit number. It is the range of "0001" - "1024".
11.31 Tampering detection
Parameter Value InqParm SetCGI Ver Note
TamperingFunc "on"/"off" system system.cgi 1.00 Enable or disable the tampering detection.
TamperingLevel "low"/"middle"/"high" system system.cgi 1.00 Set up the level of the tampering detection.
TamperingStatus "0"/"1" system - 1.10 It is the condition of the tampering detection alarm.
TamperingStatusClear "on" - system.cgi 1.10 A disturbance tampering detection is cleared.
The Tampering detection CGI commands cannot be used with the following models.
♦ SNT-EP104/154
11.32 Lite object detection
Parameter Value InqParm SetCGI Ver Note