zigzogst_tche,[]- []. [_. [] and[] _Co,t_,ueat
• OveredgeSoam
Sat tim _l=_hlne
Th{ead tension
The Stitch and Its Uses
This slItch pattern combines the straight and
tt_e ZigZag stitches, using the overedge toot,
to stitch and overcast teams m one slep.
it atso iS a stretch stitch to provide elasttcity
for kntts and extra strength for woven
Use this stitch when you wan_ a r_arrow
seam that you do no_ need to press open
flat, tt Js ideal tor 1/4" seams on knits
{when al_aching ribbing) or on medium to
heavyweight woven fabr*cswhere you want
a narrovd seam.
Here's HOW
_. Place your tabt{c so that the raw edges
fit under the wire guides and touch ttle
black ridge and blush guide,
2. Gently guide the tahoe so that the raw
edges always touch the black ridge and
brush guide.
NOTE: Wl_en sewing over several thick-
hess {under arms, m crotch, ere,)
raise the presser toot slightly to
ease the presser toot over the hump
and keep stitches from bunching.
3. When you stop SSWltlg, remove the
tabnc by drawing _t to the hack and
out, The fabric or stflching will catch
on the w_re guides if you pug it toward