Use this button to;
check and co_rect pattern combi.
nations berate sewing.
-- press again when editing is complete,
the light will go out,
Editing Pattern Combinations
To check your programming tar possible errors tn a lung pattern sequence, your
Kenmore 100 Stitch has abuilt-in editing system (EDIT).
After programming louoh the editing button. A flashing light will appear and_
the pattern indicator will show the first pattern number programmed. Each 11me
the memory button is pressed the pattern indicator will advance to the next
pattern. Continue pressing the memory button untieyou teach the lastpattern
or you find an error, Pressingthe Mirror Image Button willsequence from last
to first.
To Delete and Add Patterns: You wanted to program 0_i, 02, 03 and 04 but 05
was programmed =nstead ul 03. Press the edil_ng button. Then press the
memory button until 05 appears m the pattern _ndicator, Press the clear button,
02 will appear In the pattern indicator. Now select pattern 03 and press the
memory button. Pattern 05 has been deleted and pattern 03 added,
To Delete Patterns Without Adding; You programmed 0t_ 02. 03, 04 and 05.
You want to delete 02 and 04. Press the editing button. Press the memory
button until 02 appears, Press the clear button. Advance until 04 appears.
Press the clear button, 02 and 04 have been deleted.
To Add Patterns Without Deleting: You programmed 0_, 03 and 04. You want
to add 02, Press the editing button. Ot will appear. Because you want 02 to
come alter 0t add it when 01 is In the paltern indicator, Select pattern 02 and
press the memory button,
If your programming is correct, press fhe editing button agatn. The flashing light
wilt disappear and you're ready to sew, The machine will not sew when the
editing slgnal is flashing,
In editing, pressing the memory button advances the patlerns trom first to last
while the m_rror _mage button shows the sequence tram last to first;