S_t the M_ยข|tine
A: Z_gz_8 _oot
Thread tensior_
1 to4
Stlt_h Le_#th: f
The Stitch and Its Uses
Use this stitch to gather trims, skirts, sleeves at the top, smocking or any [tree
you want more {ullness, Use two rows o| stitches.
Here's How ffar medium weight tabrtcs and tight, firm gathers)
'i. Set the stitch length to "4.0'*
2. Loosen the needle thread tension to "2" or as desired,
NOTE: Steps 3 and a are for 5/8"" seam aIIowances. For other widths, adjust
your iabnc aceordingl%
3, Sew the first row ot slttches with the right edge of Foot A on the edge ot
the tabric_
4_ Sew the second row with the right edge of Foot A tollowmg the first row o_
5. Using both hands, pull the bobbin threads Item each end o| the labrlc uotil
you have the gathers you want.
6. Kr_ot the threads at each end even out the gathers,
Here's How {for l_ght weight tabr=cs, ruffles and [lounces)
I, Set your _titch length at "4.5"
2. Secure your gathering rows at the beginning.
3. St:itch two rOWS, as m steps 3 and 4 1or medium wmght _ab!'lcs,
4, Do not lock the threads at the end ot your stitching rows.
S. Pull the bobbin threads to produce the fullness you desire.
13. Knot the threads and even out the gathers.