Accessories ....................... 6
Accessory storage box .............. 5, tB
Alphabet & numbers ................ 93
Appliqumng .................... 46, 79
Arm cover plate ................... 6
"Auto-Lock" pattern ............. 25, 3B
Automatm buttonholing ........... 69471
Automatic buttonhole loot
............. I2. t4, 49, B9_700100"-%01
Automatic darning ............ 46, 67_68
Base ............................ 5
Besting ....................... 3B, 44
Blind hemming ............... 44, 46, 76
Btind hem sti[ch foot
................ t2, t4,44,46, t00_101
Bobbin ........... 6, 18"20, 97, !00_]01
Bobbin cover plate ............. 5, 18, 97
Bobbin thread ................. 22_23
Bobbin winding ................. t B_t 9
Bobbin winding spindle ............. 5019
Buttonhole ................ 49_ 69_74
Buttonhole foot, automatic
.................. "i2, 14, 49, lO0_t0!
Buttonhote toot,s_iding
............... 12, 14o 46, 49, 100_t01
Buttonhole opener .......... 6, 10(}'-t0!
Buttonholing buttons ............... 25
Button sewfng .................... 38
Carrying handle .................... 6
Cleaning bobbin holder .............. 97
Cleaning hook race and feed dogs ...... 98
Clear button ................... 25, 29
Corded b_rtonhole ................. 74
Cornering guide ................... 34
Control panel ..................... 27
Cross stitching .................. 47, 86
Cut-oo_ work ................... 46. 79
Darmng ........................ 37
Darning pla_e .......... 6, 35_38. 100_t01
Decorative stitching ........... 48, 84_85
Direct entry st_lcb button ............ 29
Distorted pattern .................. 94
Double edge z_gzag stitching ......... 45. 65
Editing button .................. 25. 3t
Editing pa_tern combinauons ......... 31
Elesttc casings .................. 47. 82
Elasttc stretch stitching ............ 47, 82
Extension table .................. 5, 10
Fabric, needie, thread and stitch length
chart ..................... _7
Face cover plate .................... 5
Fagoting ...................... 47, B1
Feather stitching ............... 45, BO
Feed balance dial ............ 6, 8, 68. 73
Foot control ..................... 6, B
Foot bolder ...................... 15
Foot storage compartment ............ 12
Free arm sewing ................. lO, 1t
Gathenng ...................... 55
Hand wheel ....................... 6
Hemming and edging stitching ........ 75_79
Kmt stitching ................... 45, B5
Large screw d_ive_ ............ 6. t00_t 01
LED light ...................... 25
Light and power switch ............... 6
Light bulb .................... 99_101
Lint brush ............ 6, 97_98, 1B0"-101
Lock-a,Matic seam ............... 43, 57
Machine plug ...................... 7
Machine socket .................... 7
Manual buttonholing .............. 72_73
Memory button ................ 25. 29
Mending ...................... 43, 63
Mirror image butlon .............. 25, 30
Monogramming ................ 49, 93
Needle ............... 16_i7, 100_101
Needle clamp ............. 5. 17, t00"_1B1
Needle plate ............. 5. 34, 100_101
Needle position ................... 52
Needle set ................. 6, t00_101
Needle, thread and fabric chart ......... t 7
Needle threader ............... 100-'101
Oiling .......................... 99
Outline stretch st=tehing ............ 44.58
Overcasting stitching ................ 62
Qveredge loot .... 12, t 3, 43_44, t00_101
Overedge seam .................. 44.64