54 Section 2B: Controlling Your Phone’s Settings
Changing the Screen Saver
Your phone offers options for what you see on the main display screen
while powering on or off and when in standby mode.
To change the screen saver:
1. Select Menu > Settings > Display > Main Screen > Screen
2. Select Preset Images, My Content, or My Albums and
press .
3. Choose the desired image and select Assign ().
Changing the Dialing Font
This setting allows you to adjust the display appearance when dialing
phone numbers.
Alternative Dialing Fonts
In addition to the normal (Basic) display font, your phone also includes an
additional display font called Feather. These fonts display graphical
representations onscreen when dialing.
To select an alternative dialing font:
1. Select Menu > Settings > Display > Dialing Font
2. Select Feather and press .
To change the dialing font color:
1. Select Menu > Settings > Display > Dialing Font
and press .
2. Select Basic, Rainbow, Monochrome, or Hyphenate and press
The Feather font style has preset styles and colors. Only the Basic
option allows for modification of the font color and text size.
Rainbow makes each digit of a number a different color; Monochrome
assigns a single color to an entire number.