Section 2K: Mobile Podcasting 185
Mobile Podcasting
Registration and Podcast Sign-up
Your phone is preloaded with some default podcast channels which can be
accessed without the need to register online. Although usage of the default
podcast channels does not require registration, a user must register online
to gain access to the entire listing of available podcast channels.
You can personalize the list of available podcasts by registering with
Samsung Mobile Podcasts and then subscribing to your own set of
preferred podcasts.
To create your podcast account:
1. Launch your computer’s Internet browser and in the Address field,
2. In the upper-right section of the Web page, click Register (free) to
begin the registration and subscription process. Follow the onscreen
prompts, fill in the required information, and accept the terms of
Ⅲ Once you’ve completed the registration process, your My
Channels page is displayed with default podcast channels.
3. Click show more podcasts. This expands the browser window to
reveal several available podcasts. These podcasts are grouped by
popularity and by category.
4. Choose a podcast you would like to add and click subscribe. This
indicates that you wish to receive updates to this podcast “show” by
having it available as a selectable category via your Podcast
5. From the Add Subscription screen, select which podcast channel
group the new subscription will be added to.
This streaming service accesses the Internet. If you do not already have
Internet access as part of your service plan, data access charges may
then be incurred.