Ring destinations will automatically change based on time of day and day of week.
At any time the system can be manually forced into a specific ring plan. It will
remain in this ring plan until manually taken out.
The system has a table of 20 dates that are used to define holidays. On a date
designed as a holiday the system will remain in a ring plan for that calendar day
providing the system was already in night service. This feature will override the
ring plan time table.
At any time the system can be forced into a specific ring plan for a temporary pe-
riod of time until the next scheduled ring plan automatically takes effect.
Any outside line can be programmed to ring over a customer-provided paging
system. Outside lines, door phones and station groups may ring over page in the
day or night mode.
Each keyset may be defined as an executive (BOSS in programming) or a secre-
tary (SECY in programming) in system programming. Each executive can have up
to four secretaries and each secretary can have up to four executives. These ar-
rangements are known as executive/secretary pools. There can be multiple pools
in a system. When an executive is in DND, all calls to the executive ring the first
secretary assigned to that executive; if that secretary is busy, the call hunt to the
next available secretary assigned to that executive. If the secretary must communi-
cate with the executive while he/she is in DND, pressing the corresponding execu-
tive button on the secretary’s keyset results in an Auto Answer intercom call being
made to the executive (providing the executive is free). The iDCS 500 L version
software has a system wide option to allow the stations to ring rather than auto
announce the executive secretary calls. A station can only be the executive of one
secretary pool. In addition, a station cannot be in more than one pool.
Single line ports allow connection of a variety of single line telephones plus fac-
simile machines, answering machines, loud bells, computer modems, cordless
phones and credit card machines. When connecting customer-provided equip-
ment to these extensions, compatibility should be checked out before purchase to
ensure correct operation. Central office ring cadence can be selected for SLT sta-
tions. This is helpful when optional devices cannot detect iDCS 500 intercom ring