
Android apps
Android apps
In addition to Home, Google Search, Settings, and the core features of the Android platform, your tablet comes with an
assortment of apps for reading email, browsing the web, shooting pictures and movies, listening to music, and more.
This section introduces you to some of the Android apps from Google that may be included on your tablet. See your
tablet’s documentation for details about its specic apps.
Visit Android Market on the web (market.android.com) or on your tablet (see “Market”) to search or browse among
thousands of free and paid apps you can download.
Use Browser to view webpages and to search for information on the web. As with PC-based browsers, you can
bookmark pages you want to return to, view your history, and even synchronize your bookmarks with Google Chrome.
Use Browser’s tabs to switch quickly from one site to another.
To learn more, visit the Android Apps page on the Google Mobile Help Center
Camera is a combination camera and camcorder that you use to shoot and share pictures and videos using your front or
back camera lens. Camera oers a variety of preset and manual settings for controlling your exposures in many lighting
To learn more, visit the Android Apps page on the Google Mobile Help Center