Connecting to networks and devices
Working with secure certicates
If your organization’s VPN or Wi-Fi networks rely on secure certicates, you must obtain the certicates (in les that
conform to the PKCS #12 standard) and store them in your tablet’s secure credential storage, before you can congure
access to those VPN or Wi-Fi networks on your tablet.
If your network administrator instructs you to download the certicates from a website, you’re prompted to set a
password for the credential storage when you download the certicates.
For more information about working with credential storage, see “Location and security settings” on page 96.
Install a secure certicate from your tablet’s USB storage
Copy the certicate from your computer to the root of its USB storage.
See “Connecting to a Windows computer via USB” on page 60 or “Connecting to a Macintosh computer via USB” on
page 61 for information about connecting your tablet to a computer and copying les.
Open the Settings application.
See “Opening Settings” on page 90.
Location and security.
Install from USB storage.