All unanswered calls to your phone are sent to voicemail,
even if your phone is turned off, so you’ll want to set up your
voicemail and personal greeting as soon as you activate your
For more information, see “Voicemail” on page 63.
TTY Mode
Your phone is TTY-compatible, allowing you to connect a TTY
device to the phone’s headset jack. Before you can use your
phone with a TTY device, you’ll need to enable TTY Mode in
Call Settings, at
Call settings
TTY mode
When you travel outside your home network’s coverage area,
your phone can roam to acquire service on other compatible
digital networks. When Roaming is active, the Roaming
icon appears in the Status Bar of the display.
You can set your phone’s roaming behavior. For more
information, see “Mobile networks” on page 100.
During roaming, some services may not be available.
Depending on your coverage area and service plan, extra
charges may apply when making or receiving calls. Contact
Verizon Wireless for more information about your coverage
area and service plan.