from the IPX-600 and work automatically. If the user is the local user, it will get the TFTP
server IP address and auto configuration file via DHCP header. If the user is the remote user,
you have to enter the WAN IP address of IPX-600 to the IP phone web page manually.
8. Fill in the e-mail server of the office; this is for voice mail to email service usage.
9. Click Apply to generate all the user accounts of all the IP Phones back to the main menu.
10. Make sure that DHCP Only for IP Phones is checked. This will ensure the IPX-600 only
offer the IP address to the following users. This is the recommended setting when there is
another DHCP server existed in the same network.
11. Click Apply to save the settings.
12. You can now install all the IP Phones in the network of the office, and the IP Phones will
automatically find out the IPX-600 and be ready for call.
Figure 31. User Management page with new accounts for IP Phone
¾ Install IP Phone Manually
Other than the automatic installation of IP Phones, you could also install IP Phone manually. The
manual installation steps for IP Phone and IPX-600 are detailed in the followings:
IP-Phone settings:
On the IP Phone, you need to at least set the user account and proxy server address to let
the IP Phone register to the IPX-600 manually. Suppose that your IP-Phone is with
number/password as 101/101, and then just fill in this account into the IP Phone. The default
LAN port IP address of IPX-600 is, so, just key in this IP address as the proxy
server address field in the IP Phone. The IP-Phone network type is better set to be DHCP