Figure 28. IPX-600 used as both IP PBX and NAT/Router
2. Index: The sequence number in this list of the users (IP Phones) accounts.
: Check this box for the items that wanted to be deleted together.
4. Call Status: This field displays the call status of the IP Phone, red light means unregistered,
green light means registered successfully, and yellow light means registered and on-call.
5. Disp. Name: The display name of the IP Phone account. Max allowed length is 32.
6. Number: The user number of the IP Phone account. Max allowed length is 64.
7. Password: The password of the IP Phone account. The allowed characters for the password
are all digits. Max allowed length is 64. This is also the password for accessing the voicemail
records for this account.
8. Call Group: The call groups this IP Phone belongs to. An IP Phone can belong to multiple call
groups. The purpose of assigning IP Phones to some call groups is for the pickup usage as
explained in the next item below.
9. Pickup Group: An IP Phone can have multiple pickup groups. Any extension IP Phone can
only pickup the call of another ringing extension when the ringing extension is in one of the
pickup groups of this IP Phone.
10. Hunt Group: An IP Phone can belong to a maximum of 5 hunt groups. This feature allows
multiple users to be contacted by dialing into one configured hunt group number.