
call is connected between registered devices. IPX-600 cannot
support Inband DTMF when the Remote/PBX Codec is G.723 or
This field can determine if the other SIP devices needed to be
authenticated if they try to register to IPX-600. If this field is
enabled, only those devices with the correct accounts listed in the
User Management page are allowed to register into IPX-600
Concurrent Calls
per User
This is the max allowed calls for a single IP Phone in the same time.
If want the call waiting function to work, set this filed to a value
bigger than two.
Maximum System
Parallel Call
This is the max allowed calls for the whole IPX-600 system in the
same time, that includes inter-extension calls and incoming and
outgoing calls. The allowed value for this field is between 1 and 60.
Inter-PBX Call In
This is the prefix number for incoming call from other IPX-600, with
this prefix; the calls between IPX-600 could be like an
inter-extension calls. The way it works like this - the dialed number
outside of the other IPX-600 will be prefixed with this prefix
number , and before incoming into this IPX-600, this prefix number
will be removed, and call into the specific extension number.
Table 9. General setting description
Figure 14. System setting - General