
Figure 18. System setting – Call Park
Distinctive Ring
IPX-600 will bring the ring name to the IP-Phone and the IP-Phone will ring according to the ring
name in the SIP header.
Figure 19. System setting – Distinctive Ring
¾ Proxy Server
The Proxy Server page includes the following parts:
Parameter description:
Field Description
IP-PBX behind NAT
If your IPX-600 is behind NAT, please select this value to Yes.
Stun Enable
You can enable or disable these Stun settings by clicking on
the checkbox.
Stun Server
You can fill in the stun server FQDN or IP address in this field.
Stun Port
You can fill in the stun server port in this field. The default
value is 3478.
Stun Status
If IPX-600 can connect to the stun server, this will show the
green light.
SIP Keep Alive Enable
You can enable or disable this option by clicking on the
checkbox. You will need to enable this only when the IPX-600
is put behind another NAT device.
SIP Keep Alive Period
If you enable the keep alive, you can fill in the period in this
field. The IPX-600 will periodically send out a small SIP
message to keep the signal path between IPX-600 and the
Proxy Server to prevent another NAT device from
disconnecting this path.
Table 14. Behind NAT setting description