I Information Messages
222 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
Invalid Port The port in a SEND command is invalid.
Invalid Port number The port number in an ACCEPT command is invalid.
Invalid PPS Modulus Field The ppsmod argument of the FREQUENCY_OUT command is invalid.
Invalid RINEX Option An option of a RINEX command is invalid.
Invalid RTCA option An invalid RTCA rule has been entered.
Invalid RTCA station Name (\XXXX\) The RTCA station name in a FIX POSITION message is invalid.
Invalid RTCM Bit Rule An invalid RTCM rule has been entered.
Invalid RTCM station Name (0..1023) The RTCM station name in a FIX POSITION message is invalid.
Invalid RTCM16T string length - maximum 90 The RTCM16T string exceeds 90 characters.
Invalid RTS choice An invalid option was entered in the COMn_RTS command.
Invalid RTS Toggle Option The active option in the COMn_RTS command is invalid.
Invalid RTS Toggle Setup Time (0-1000) The lead time option in the COMn_RTS command is invalid.
Invalid RTS Toggle Terminate Time (0-1000) The tail time option in the COMn_RTS command is invalid.
Invalid Satellite Number An invalid satellite number has been entered in an ASSIGN, SETHEALTH,
Invalid Scaling The scale value in a USERDATUM command is invalid.
Invalid Seconds Into Week in TM1A The time in a $TM1A command is invalid.
Invalid SemiMajor Axis The semi-major axis in a USERDATUM command is invalid.
Invalid Standard Deviation Limit (0.1-100 m) A standard deviation in a POSSE command is invalid.
Invalid Symbol Period 1,2,4,5,10,20 The symbol period is invalid for an ASSIGN on a pseudolite channel.
Invalid Time Limit (0.1-100 hours) The averaging time in a POSAVE command is invalid.
Invalid Token This error should never occur. If it does, please contact NovAtel GPS customer
Invalid Track Offset The track offset in the SETNAV command is invalid.
Invalid Velocity An invalid velocity has been received, either in a FIX VELOCITY command, or in
a command such as $PVCA, $PVCB.
Invalid Week Number in TM1A The week in a $TM1A command is invalid.
MET Command Not Available On This Model The MET command is not available on this model.
Model Invalid The Authorization Code has an invalid Model. Please contact NovAtel GPS
customer service for assistance.
NVM Error - Unable To Save The SAVE operation did not complete successfully.
RINEX string too LONG Indicates that the entered RINEX command is too long.
RT20 Logs Not Available On This Model This model does not have the ability to send or receive RT20 differential
RTCM9 Logs Not Available On This Model This model does not have the ability to send or receive RTCM9 logs.
SAVE Command Not Available On This Model A SAVE operation was attempted which is not available on this model.
Save Complete The SAVE operation completed successfully.
SETCLOCK disabled TM1A rejected The $TM1A command is rejected because the user has not enabled clock
synchronization using the SETCLOCK command.
Standard Deviation not allowed with small time limits In a POSAVE command, a standard deviation cannot be entered with a small
time. Enter a larger averaging time if standard deviations are desired.
TO Portname too LONG The TO port name in a SETNAV command is too long.
User Defined DATUM Not Set This error should not occur. By default the user defined DATUM is set to WGS84.
If you get this error message, please contact NovAtel GPS customer service.
Valid Option but Missing Process This message indicates an error in the software. A command option is valid but
software cannot process it