
D Logs summary
182 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
Bit 16 Almanac Saved
0 Almanac not saved in non-volatile memory.
1 Almanac saved in non-volatile memory (12 channel OEM cards only).
Bit 17 L2AGC
1 When set to 1, the
L2ARG circuits are operating within normal range of control.
0 This bit will be set clear if the
L2AGC is operating out of normal range. Failure of this test could be the
result of various possibilities, such as: bad antenna LNA, excessive loss in the antenna cable, faulty RF
downconverter, or a pulsating or high power jamming signal causing interference. If this bit is
continuously set clear, and you cannot identify an external cause for the failed test, please contact NovAtel
Customer Service.
Bit 18 L2Jammer Detection
0 Normal operation is indicated when this bit is 0.
1 If set to 1, the receiver has detected a high power signal causing interference. When this happens, the
receiver goes into a special anti-jamming mode where it re-maps the A/D decode values as well as special
L2AGC feedback control. These adjustments help to minimize the loss that will occur in the presence of a
jamming signal. You should monitor this bit, and if set to 1, do your best to remedy the cause of the
jamming signal. Nearby transmitters or other electronic equipment could be the cause of interference; you
may find it necessary to relocate your antenna position if the problem persists.
Bit 19 L2PLL
1 When the L2 RF downconverter passes self-test, the bit will be set to 1.
0 If a fault is detected in the L2 RF downconverter, this bit is set to 0.
1 When the OCXOPLL bit passes self-test, the bit will be set to 1.
0 If a fault is detected in the OCXOPLL bit, this bit is set to 0.
Bit 21 Saved Almanac Needs Update
1 When the almanac received is newer than the one currently stored in NVM (non-volatile memory), the
bit will be set to 1.
0 This bit will be set to 0 if an almanac has not been received that is newer than the one stored in memory.
Bit 22 Almanac Invalid
1 No almanac in use
0 Valid almanac in use
Bit 23 Position Solution Invalid
1 Position solution is not valid
0 Valid position computed
Bit 24 Position Fixed
1 A fix position command has been accepted
0 Position has not been fixed
Bit 25 Clock Model Invalid
1 Clock model has not stabilized
0 Clock model is valid
Bit 26 Clock Steering Disabled
1 Clockadjust disable command has been accepted
0 Clockadjust is enabled