D Logs summary
186 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
RPSA/B Reference Station Position and Health
This log contains the ECEF XYZ position of the reference station as received through the RTCA Type 7 or RTCM
Type 3 message. It also features a time tag, the health status of the reference station, and the station ID. This
information is set at the reference station using the FIX POSITION command.
Format: Message ID = 60 Message byte count = 56
$RPSA week seconds X Y Z health stn ID *xx
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $RPSA Log header $RPSA
2 week GPS week number 872
3 seconds GPS time into the week (seconds) 174962.00
4 X ECEF X value (metres) -1634962.8660
5 Y ECEF y value (metres) -3664682.4140
6 Z ECEF z value (metres) 4942301.3110
7 health Reference Station Health 0
8 stn ID Reference station identification (RTCM: 0 - 1023, or
RTCA: 266305 - 15179385)
9 *xx Checksum *32
10 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Sync 3 char 0
(header) Checksum 1 char 3
Message ID 4 integer 4
Message byte count 4 integer 8
2 GPS week number 4 integer weeks 12
3 GPS time into the week 8 double seconds 16
4 ECEF X value 8 double metres 24
5 ECEF Y value 8 double metres 32
6 ECEF Z value 8 double metres 40
7 Reference station health 4 integer 48
8 Reference station identification (RTCM: 0 - 1023,
or RTCA: 266305 - 15179385)
4 integer 52