C Commands Summary
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 111
This command permits entry of one set of navigation waypoints (see Figure C-5). The origin (FROM) and
destination (
TO) waypoint coordinates entered are considered on the ellipsoidal surface of the current datum
WGS84). Once SETNAV has been set, you can monitor the navigation calculations and progress by observing
NAVA/B, GPRMB, and GPZTG log messages.
Track offset is the perpendicular distance from the great circle line drawn between the
FROM lat-lon and TO lat-lon
waypoints. It establishes the desired navigation path, or track, that runs parallel to the great circle line, which now
becomes the offset track, and is set by entering the track offset value in metres. A negative track offset value
indicates that the offset track is to the left of the great circle line track. A positive track offset value (no sign
required) indicates the offset track is to the right of the great circle line track (looking from origin to destination).
See Figure C-5 for clarification.
setnav 51.1516,-114.16263,51.16263,-114.1516,-125.23,from,to
SETNAV from-lat from-lon to-lat to-lon
track offset from-port to-port
SETNAV disable
Syntax Range Value Description Default Example
SETNAV - Command setnav
from-lat 0± 90 Origin latitude in units of degrees/decimal degrees. A negative
sign implies South latitude. No sign implies North latitude.
disable 51.1516
from-lon 0± 360 Origin longitude in units of degrees/decimal degrees. A
negative sign implies West longitude. No sign implies East
to-lat 0± 90 Destination latitude in units of degrees/decimal degrees 51.16263
to-lon 0± 360 Destination longitude in units of degrees/decimal degrees -114.1516
track offset 0± 1000 Waypoint great circle line offset (in kilometres); establishes
offset track; positive indicates right of great circle line; negative
indicates left of great circle line
from-port 1 to 5 characters Optional ASCII station name from
to-port 1 to 5 characters Optional ASCII station name to