
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 63
Table 18: Solution Status
Solution Status
Binary ASCII
0 SOL_COMPUTED Solution computed
1 INSUFFICIENT_OBS Insufficient observations
2 NO_CONVERGENCE No convergence
3 SINGULARITY Singularity at parameters matrix
4 COV_TRACE Covariance trace exceeds maximum (trace > 1000 m)
5 TEST_DIST Test distance exceeded (maximum of 3 rejections if distance > 10 km)
6 COLD_START Not yet converged from cold start
7 V_H_LIMIT Height or velocity limits exceeded (in accordance with export
licensing restrictions)
8 VARIANCE Variance exceeds limits
9 RESIDUALS Residuals are too large
10 DELTA_POS Delta position is too large
11 NEGATIVE_VAR Negative variance
12 Reserved
13 INTEGRITY_WARNING Large residuals make position unreliable
14-17 Reserved for SPAN-capable receivers
18 PENDING When a FIX POSITION command is entered, the receiver computes
its own position and determines if the fixed position is valid
a. PENDING implies there are not enough satellites being tracked to verify if the FIX POSITION entered into the
receiver is valid. The receiver needs to be tracking two or more GNSS satellites to perform this check. Under
normal conditions PENDING should appear for a few seconds on power up before the GNSS receiver has locked
onto its first few satellites. If your antenna is obstructed and you have entered a FIX POSITION command, then
you may see PENDING indefinitely.
19 INVALID_FIX The fixed position, entered using the FIX POSITION command, is not
20 UNAUTHORIZED Position type is unauthorized - HP or XP on a receiver not authorized
for it