
Operation Chapter 3
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 26
Refer to the NovAtel white papers at www.novatel.com/support/search/items/White%20Paper for more
information on GLIDE. Refer also to application note “APN-038 Pseudorange/Delta-Phase (PDP) and GLIDE
Filters” at www.novatel.com/support/search/items/Application%20Note
3.6 Emulated Radar (ER)
A typical radar sensor emits radio beams that bounce off the ground and computes ground speed based on
the speed at which objects are passing in front of the sensor. The output of the sensor is a digital pulse, the
frequency of which is proportional to the vehicle’s ground speed. This is often used in agricultural applications
such as planting and spraying. The AG-STAR eliminates the need for separate ground-sensing radar
equipment by converting the GPS-derived velocity to proportional frequency output. The following emulated
radar signal parameters can be configured by the customer:
Frequency Step: Specifies how the frequency output relates to the vehicle speed.
Signal Update Rate: Specifies how often the frequency output is updated to match the vehicle speed.
Response Mode: Specifies how quickly changes in velocity are reflected in the frequency output.
Setting a slower response mode reduces spikes (noise) in the velocity but increases latency.
Setting a higher response mode reduces latency, but may result in noisier frequency output. Refer to
Section B.5, RADARCFG Configure the ER Output on page 56 for more detailed information.
After it is configured using the RADARCFG command, Emulated Radar (ER) pulses are output through the
AG-STAR cables (see Table 7, AG-STAR Communication/Power Cable Pinouts on page 47) and the
RADARSIGNAL log (see page 62).
3.7 Recommended Configuration
The following command is recommended to enable CAN:
setcanname 305
The following command is recommended to enable SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS) corrections:
sbascontrol enable
The following commands are recommended to enable GLIDE:
pdpfilter enable
pdpmode relative auto
NovAtel has registered manufactured ID code 305 with J1939. When complete, your configuration can be
saved with the SAVECONFIG command. For more information about these commands, refer to the OEMStar
Firmware Reference Manual, available from our web site and APN-050 SMART-AG Firmware Release,
available at www.novatel.com/support/search/items/Application%20Note