
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 56
B.5 RADARCFG Configure the ER Output
Use this command to configure the Emulated Radar (ER) output. ER is available through the AG-STAR
Communication/Power cable, see Table 7, AG-STAR Communication/Power Cable Pinouts on page 47 for
pin-out details.
Message ID: 8192
radarcfg switch freq_step update_rate resp_mode threshold
Table 13: Response Modes
Example 1 to disable radar emulation: radarcfg disable 26.11 1 1 2
Example 2 to set the frequency step to 36.11 Hz/kph,
update rate to 1 Hz and no smoothing: radarcfg enable 36.11 1 1 2
Field Data Description Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header This field contains the command name or the
message header depending on whether the
command is abbreviated ASCII, ASCII or binary.
-- 0
2 switch Enable or disable radar emulation
(default = enable)
4 Enum none H
3 freq_step Frequency step per kilometer per hour.
Range: 26.11, 28.12 or 36.11
(default = 26.11)
4 update_rate Specify how often to update radar output
Range: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20
(default = 10)
4 Integer Hz H+12
5 resp_mode Specify the time, response mode, over which to
average velocity samples, see Table 13, Response
Modes on page 56.
(Default = 500)
4 Integer none H+16
6 threshold The threshold is only applicable when the response
mode is set to 2. The response time is 1000 ms
when the velocity is greater than this value,
otherwise, it is 500 ms.
Range: 2-50 kph
(default = 5 kph)
8 Double kph H+20
a. The number of samples used for smoothing depends on both the update_rate and resp_mode parameters. For
instance, if the update_rate is 5 Hz and the resp_mode is 2000ms, the number of samples used will be 10.
Mode Description
2000 2000 ms
The time period over which to
smooth velocity samples
1000 1000 ms
500 500 ms (default)
2 Automatically switches between 1000 and 500 ms
1 Performs no smoothing