NovAtel Firmware and Software Chapter 5
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 36
5.3 Updating or Upgrading Using the WinLoad Utility
WinLoad is the simplest and most common way to update or upgrade an AG-STAR receiver.
5.3.1 Transferring Firmware Files
To proceed with an update or possibly an upgrade, obtain the latest version of firmware from the NovAtel
website at
www.novatel.com/support/firmware-downloads. Types of Firmware Files
The firmware update or upgrade file is one of two types:
• Update Version (UPDT) - The update version includes the authorization codes for all AG-STAR
receivers and receiver model upgrades purchased before the cut-off date
. The update version is
named UPDTXXXX.EXE, where XXXX is the firmware version. If the receiver or model upgrade was
purchased after the cut-off date, the authorization code does not appear in the UPDT file and the
OEM version must be used.
• OEM Version - Use the OEM version if the receiver or model upgrade was purchased after the cut-
off date. When the OEM version is used, NovAtel Customer Service must generate and provide the
required authorization code. Authorization codes are obtained by contacting support@novatel.com
or at www.novatel.com/support/
The OEM version is named OEMXXXX.EXE, where XXXX is the firmware version.
For convenience, copy the update file to a GNSS sub-directory (for example, C:\GNSS\LOADER).
If the firmware update file is password protected, NovAtel Customer Support provides the required password.
After copying the file to a computer, perform the following steps to extract the files:
Syntax: [filename] [password] (if required)
where filename is the name of the compressed file (but not including the .EXE extension) and password is
the password if required for extraction.
Example: L6X010100RN0000.hex
In the above example, a window appears asking for a password.
The self-extracting archive produces the following files:
winload.exe WinLoad utility program
howto.txt Instructions on how to use the WinLoad utility
whatsnew.rtf Information on the changes made in the firmware since the last revision
x..x.hex Firmware version upgrade file, where x..x defines the product name and release (e.g.,
The files are extracted to unzip/program files/NovAtel Inc/x.xxx Full Update Disk, where x.xxx is the firmware
1. For further information and the exact cut-off date, refer to the NovAtel website at www.novatel.com/
support/firmware-downloads under notes.
NovAtel has an online video tutorial that explains firmware uploading at www.novatel.com/