
MultiVOIP User Guide Index
Copy Channel ........................... 143
Default ...................................... 143
DTMF Gain .............................. 143
DTMF Gain (High Tones) ........ 143
DTMF Gain (Low Tones) ......... 143
DTMF In/Out of Band .............. 143
Duration (DTMF) ..................... 143
Dynamic Jitter Buffer ............... 149
Echo Cancellation ..................... 146
Fax Enable ................................ 144
Fax Volume .............................. 144
Forward Error Correction ......... 146
Input Gain ................................. 143
Jitter Value ................................ 151
Jitter Value (Fax) ...................... 144
Max Baud Rate ......................... 144
Maximum Jitter Value .............. 150
Minimum Jitter Value ............... 149
Mode (Fax) ............................... 144
Network Disconnection ............ 151
Offhook Alert Timer ................. 148
Optimization Factor .................. 150
Output Gain .............................. 143
Phone Number .......................... 148
Phone Number (AutoCall/Offhook
Alert) ..................................... 148
Select Channel .......................... 143
Silence Compression ................ 146
Voice Gain ................................ 143
Voice/FAX Parameters screen,
analog ........................................ 227
T1/E1 ........................................ 140
Voice/FAX parameters, setting
analog ........................................ 227
T1/E1 ........................................ 140
Voip Caller ID Case #1 –telco
standard CID enters voip system
.................................................. 252
Voip Caller ID Case #2 – H.323 voip
system, no telco CID ................. 252
Voip Caller ID Case #3 –SPP ....... 253
Voip Caller ID Case #4 – Remote
FXS call on H.323 voip system 253
Voip Caller ID Case #5 –DID channel
in H.323 voip system ................ 254
voip dialing digits
non-PSTN type ........................... 71
types used .................................... 70
voip email account
analog ........................................ 281
T1/E1 ........................................ 180
voip management, remote
analog ........................................ 269
T1/E1 ........................................ 167
Voip Media PHB field
analog ........................................ 222
T1/E1 ........................................ 136
voip network, lab/simulated
use in startup ............................... 72
voip software
PC .................................. 40, 51
voip software (analog)
host PC ...................................... 208
voip software (T1/E1)
host PC ...................................... 123
voip system example, conceptual (E1)
calls to remote PSTN ................ 358
foreign calls, national rates ....... 360
voip site to voip site .................. 357
voip system example, digital &
analog, with phonebook details
E1 .............................................. 394
T1 .............................................. 342
voip system example, digital only,
with phonebook details
E1 .............................................. 387
T1 .............................................. 336
basic functions of ........................ 19
basic functions of ........................ 12
voltage, operating
analog models ............................. 43
E1 models .................................... 42
warnings, safety .............................. 85
web browser GUI and logs
analog ........................................ 287
T1/E1 ........................................ 186
web browser GUI, enabling
analog .................................. 59, 226
T1/E1 ........................................ 139
web browser interface