
MultiVOIP User Guide Index
Gatekeeper IP Address .............. 366
Gatekeeper Name ...................... 366
Gateway Name .......................... 366
General Options ........................ 372
H.245 Tunneling ....................... 368
H.323 Multiplexing ................... 368
Keep Alive ................................ 372
Max Retransmission (SPP, General
Options) ................................ 372
Parallel H.245 (Tunneling with Fast
Start) ..................................... 369
Port (SPP, General Options) ..... 372
Proxy Domain Name / IP Address
.............................................. 370
RAS TTL Value ........................ 367
Register with GateKeeper ......... 366
Registrar IP Address ................. 372
Registrar Options ...................... 372
Registrar Port ............................ 372
Retransmission (SPP, General
Options) ................................ 372
Signaling Number (proxy server)
.............................................. 370
Signaling Port ........................... 366
Signaling Port (Gatekeeper) ...... 366
Use Fast Start ............................ 366
Use SIP Proxy ........................... 370
User Name (proxy server) ......... 370
Phonebook configuration screen fields
Password (proxy server) ........... 318
Re-Registration Time (proxy
server) ................................... 318
Phonebook Configuration screen
fields (T1)
Annex E (H.323, UDP
multiplexing) ......................... 316
Client Options ........................... 319
Gatekeeper IP Address .............. 313
Gatekeeper Name ...................... 313
Gateway Name .......................... 313
General Options ........................ 319
H.245 Tunneling ....................... 315
H.323 Multiplexing ................... 315
Keep Alive ................................ 319
Max Retransmission (SPP, General
Options) ................................ 319
Parallel H.245 (Tunneling with Fast
Start) ...................................... 316
Port (SPP, General Options) ..... 319
Proxy Domain Name / IP Address
.............................................. 317
RAS TTL Value ........................ 314
Register with GateKeeper ......... 313
Registrar IP Address ................. 319
Registrar Options ...................... 319
Registrar Port ............................ 319
Retransmission (SPP, General
Options) ................................. 319
Signaling Number (proxy server)
.............................................. 317
Signaling Port ............................ 313
Signaling Port (Gatekeeper) ...... 313
Use Fast Start ............................ 313
Use SIP Proxy ........................... 317
User Name (proxy server) ......... 317
phonebook destination patterns ....... 70
phonebook dialing patterns ............. 70
phonebook digits
dropping ...................................... 71
leading ......................................... 71
non-PSTN type ............................ 71
specialized codes ......................... 71
types used .................................... 70
phonebook entries, coordinating
E1 .............................................. 362
T1 .............................................. 309
phonebook examples
analog ........................................ 207
mixed digital/analog .................... 73
phonebook icons
E1 .............................................. 363
T1 .............................................. 310
phonebook objectives &
E1 .............................................. 361
phonebook sidebar menu
E1 .............................................. 364
T1 .............................................. 311
phonebook tips ................................ 70
phonebook worksheet ............... 76, 77
phonebook, analog voips ............... 409
phonebook, inbound
example ....................................... 73
example, quick ............................ 67