
Index MultiVOIP User Guide
Password (SMTP) field
analog ........................................ 282
T1/E1 ........................................ 180
password, lost/forgotten ........ 468, 472
password, setting........................... 468
web browser GUI ...................... 472
patents ............................................. 2
patterns, destination
tips about ..................................... 70
PBX characteristics, variations in
E1 .............................................. 405
T1 .............................................. 354
PBX interaction
analog models ............................. 26
BRI models ................................. 34
E1 models ................................... 18
T1 models ................................... 11
PC, command
COM port assignment (detailed)116
COM port requirement ................ 51
demands upon ............................. 51
non-dedicated use ....................... 51
operating system ......................... 51
settings ........................................ 51
specifications .............................. 51
PCM Law field
E1 .............................................. 165
T1 .............................................. 159
Permissions (SNMP) field
analog ........................................ 271
T1/E1 ........................................ 169
personnel requirement
for rack installation ..................... 91
to lift during installation ............. 92
to lift unit during installation ...... 85
Phone Book Version
System Info (ANALOG/BRI) ... 304
System Info (T1/E1) ................. 203
phone exchanges
dedicated ..................................... 71
institutional ................................. 71
local ............................................ 71
non-local ..................................... 71
organizational ............................. 71
Phone Number (Voice/FAX –
AutoCall/Offhook Alert) field
analog/BRI ................................ 236
T1/E1 ........................................ 148
Phone Signaling Tones & Cadences
analog ........................................ 272
T1/E1 ........................................ 170
phone startup configuration............. 59
phone switch types
ISDN implementations in .......... 166
phone/IP details
importance of writing down ........ 46
importance of writing down
(analog) ................................. 210
importance of writing down
(T1/E1) .................................. 124
FTP remote file transfers ........... 476
phonebook configuration
starter .......................................... 63
phonebook configuration (analog) 207,
phonebook configuration (remote) 476
phonebook configuration (T1/E1) . 122
Phonebook Configuration icon
E1 .............................................. 363
T1 .............................................. 310
Phonebook Configuration Parameter
E1 ...... 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371
T1 ...... 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318
Phonebook Configuration procedure
T1 .............................................. 309
nebook Configuration Procedure
E1 .............................................. 362
Phonebook Configuration screen
E1 .............................................. 364
T1 .............................................. 309
Phonebook Configuration screen (E1)
Mode (SPP Protocol) ................ 372
Phonebook Configuration screen (T1)
Mode (SPP Protocol) ................ 319
Phonebook configuration screen fields
Password (proxy server) ............ 371
Re-Registration Time (proxy
server) ................................... 371
Phonebook Configuration screen
fields (E1)
Annex E (H.323, UDP
multiplexing) ......................... 369
Client Options ........................... 372