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Instructions for programming
(1) About sample programs, test programs and sample sequence programs
(a) Sample programs, test programs
The sample programs are attached for your reference to create user
The test programs are attached to conduct communication tests.
Use these programs on your own responsibility.
(b) Sample sequence programs
The sample sequence programs attached to MX Component must be
modified depending on the system configuration and parameter settings.
Modify them to be best for the system.
Please note that it is user’s responsibility to use the same sequence
(2) About forced termination of processes during communication
If communication is being made with the same type of control open for multiple
processes, forcing one process to be terminated by Task Manager or the like may
stop the other processes at the communication function execution area.
(3) About error at communication start
A communication error may occur within the preset time-out period at a
communication start, e.g. when the communication diagnostic button is pressed,
at a monitor start, or at the execution of any function.
These errors are assumed to be detected before a time-out error.
(Example: Connection cable not connected, at programmable controller power-off)
(4) CheckDeviceString
Do not use the CheckDeviceString method of each ACT control.
(5) About ActUMsg control, ActUWzd control, ActMnet2BD control and ActAFBD
Installing MX Component registers the ActUMsg control, ActUWzd control,
ActMnet2BD control and ActAFBD control, but do not use them.
(6) Precautions for the use of Act(ML)QJ71E71TCP, Act(ML)AJ71QE71TCP and
Act(ML)AJ71E71TCP controls
(a) Provide an interval longer than the sequence scan time of the Ethernet
module loaded station from when the Open method is executed until the
Close method is executed.
(b) Provide an interval of at least 500ms from when the Close method is
executed until the Open method is executed again.
(7) Instructions for execution of Disconnect
If execution of Disconnect cannot disconnect the telephone line for some reason,
power off the modem used to make a call to forcibly disconnect the telephone line.