7 - 78
7.13.4 Information for each event
Log data set per event is as follows.
Also, details concerning the operation mode noted in the information per event is as follows.
0: Automatic operation
1: Home position return
2: JOG operation
3: Incremental feed
4: Mode not selected
5: Mode error
6: Home position reset
8: Linear interpolation operation
(1) Start of automatic operation (2) Start of home position return
Offset Content Offset Content
0000h Axis number 0000h Axis number
0002h Event code (0001h) 0002h Event code (0002h)
0004h Time stamp 0004h Time stamp
0006h 0006h
0008h Start point number 0008h Home position return speed
000Ah End point number 000Ah
000Ch Operation startup coordinate 000Ch Creep speed
000Eh 000Eh Return to home position mode (Note)
Note. Follow the home position return method
designated in parameter No.0240.
(3) Start of JOG operation (4) Start of incremental feed
Offset Content Offset Content
0000h Axis number 0000h Axis number
0002h Event code (0003h) 0002h Event code (0004h)
0004h Time stamp 0004h Time stamp
0006h 0006h
0008h Manual feed speed (Note) 0008h Manual feed speed (Note)
000Ah 000Ah
000Ch 0 (fixed value) 000Ch Incremental feed movement amount
000Eh 0 (fixed value) 000Eh
Note. Taken as a negative number when the movement
direction is
Note. Taken as a negative number when the movement
direction is .
(5) Start of linear interpolation operation (6) Home position reset startup
Offset Content Offset Content
0000h Axis number 0000h Axis number
0002h Event code (0005h) 0002h Event code (0006h)
0004h Time stamp 0004h Time stamp
0006h 0006h
0008h Start point number 0008h 0 (fixed value)
000Ah End point number 000Ah 0 (fixed value)
000Ch Operation startup coordinate 000Ch 0 (fixed value)
000Eh 000Eh 0 (fixed value)