6 - 59
(2) The following shows the conditions for the home position return request (ZREQ) to turns on/off.
(a) At system startup
1) Condition of turning on
a) When the axis is a tandem drive axis and does not have home position (parameter No.0200).
b) When "absolute position erased" (servo alarm 25) or "absolute position counter warning"
(servo alarm E3) occurs
c) The setting value for "home position multiple revolution data" (parameter No.024D) or "home
position within 1 revolution position" (parameter No.024E, 024F) is incorrect and overflow in
calculating absolute position restoration occurs.
d) When parameter error (servo alarm 37) occurs
e) When electronic gear setting error (system error E500) occurs
f) When setting of absolute position data (parameter No.0241) is invalid and system is startup
2) Condition of turning off
a) When the absolute position is restored properly at the use of the absolute position detection
b) When the axis is a monopodium (not a tandem drive axis) and does not have home position
(parameter No.0200)
(b) While system is running
1) Condition of turning on
a) When home position return is started
b) "Tandem drive synchronous valid width error" (operation alarm No. 54, detail 01) or "Tandem drive
synchronous alignment error" (operation alarm 58, detail 01) occurs.
c) When "Condition of turning ON at system startup" ((a) 1)) is satisfied at SSCNET reconnection
2) Condition of turning off
a) When home position return is completed properly
(3) The following shows the restrictions at home position return incomplete status (home position return
request (ZREQ): ON).
(a) Operational functions
Automatic operation, linear Interpolation and home position reset are unavailable. At start operation,
home position return not complete (operation alarm 90, detail 01) occurs and start operation is canceled.
(b) Application functions
Software limit, rough match output, backlash, position switch and interference check function are invalid.
(c) Tandem drive
Synchronization for turning servo on is not performed.