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7.11.6 Restrictions
The restrictions for SSCNET reconnect/disconnect function are shown below.
(1) Linear interpolation startup
When the axis allocated to the same linear interpolation group is not connected, a primary axis linear
interpolation startup error (operation alarm 40, detail 01) occurs.
(2) Tandem drive
When the axis allocated to the same tandem drive group is not connected, servo cannot be turned on
during in the synchronous mode.
During operation in non-synchronous micro-adjustment mode, the servo operates normally.
(3) Disconnect during operation
When SSCNET disconnection is executed to the axis which is during operation, servo is not controllable
(operation alarm B0, detail 02) occurs and the servo stops by the dynamic brake or decelerates to stop
depending on the setting of the servo amplifier.
(4) Multi-axis amplifier
When using SSCNET disconnect function in multi-axis amplifier such as MR-J4W
- B, make sure that all
axes in the unit are simultaneously disconnected.
When the disconnection command is sent to the second axis or later in the same unit, the disconnection
error (CCE) turns on.
(5) Turning off the power supply of servo amplifier after disconnection
Turn off the power supply of the servo amplifier after confirming the LED indicates "AA" and SSCNET
disconnection completed.
(6) Operation at the system startup
When the consistency check selection at system startup of the control cycle (parameter No.0002) is set to
invalid and all control axes are not connected when system is started, an axis that has not been mounted
exists (system error E400) does not occur and the system is started with the only connected axis.