7 - 29
(2) Flash ROM parameter initialization
The contents of the parameters which is backed up in the flash ROM is changed to the initial value.
Turn on flash ROM
initialization execution (FIS).
Flash ROM transfer
ID setting
* Transfer parameter the initial values to the flash ROM.
* Set A55A to flash ROM transfer ID.
Yes (Note 4,5)
Turn off flash ROM
initialization execution (FIS).
Turn off flash ROM
initialization preparation
Flash ROM
initialization complete?
Flash ROM
initialization error?
ROM initialization
preparation complete?
Turn on flash ROM
initialization preparation (FIR).
Check whether the number of
write accesses to flash ROM
error (system alarm 36)
Note 1. The flash ROM initialization function becomes available after the parameter initialization completion
(system status code: 0003h) or the flash ROM parameter read (system status code: 0004h) is executed.
2. When the flash ROM initialization preparation error (FIRNG) or the flash ROM initialization error (FING) occurs, check the
procedure and restart the process from the beginning.
3. Do not turn off the power supply of the position board while transferring parameter initial values to the flash ROM. If flash ROM
parameter read is executed before normal initialization completion, flash ROM parameter read error
(system status code: 0005h) occurs.
4. The flash ROM can be rewritten up to 100,000 times. If it exceeds 100,000 times, number of write accesses to flash ROM error
(system alarm 36, detail 01) occurs and parameter initialization will not be performed. The parameter backup times executed
(including flash ROM parameter initialization times) can be checked in the parameter backup times
(system monitor No.040C, 040D).
5. The flash ROM can be rewritten up to 25 times after every system preparation completion. If it exceeds 25 times, number of
write accesses to flash ROM error (system alarm 36, detail 03) occurs and parameter backup will not be performed. Rewriting
times to the flash ROM is cleared to 0 by resetting the system alarm or the software reboot. The parameter backup times
executed after system preparation completion can be checked in the parameter backup times (system monitor No.040A).
6. Perform the flash ROM parameter initialization while the operation of all axes is stopped.
7. Writing and reading parameters are impossible during the flash ROM initialization.