Playback and recording 69
Operator Manual
Note: Essentially, with all bus routing buttons switched on (enabled), the talk
bus/signal generator signal is routed to all of the console’s buses (except the mono
master and local monitor outputs).
Playback and recording
The following four connectors on the rear panel provide discrete analogue inputs and
outputs for audio playback and recording, respectively.
Playback/record sockets on the rear panel
The two in (right and left) connectors let you connect an analogue device, such as a
tape recorder, to play back recorded audio material via the console.
playback to masters section on the control surface
6 matrix switch This is a routing button that routes the talk bus/signal
generator signal to both matrix buses.
7 aux switch This is a routing button that routes the talk bus/signal
generator signal to all aux buses.
8 gain control knob Adjusts the gain of the talk mic, which is continuously
variable from +10dB to +60dB.
9 on switch Switches the 1kHz signal generator on/off.
10 1kHz generator control knob This control knob adjusts the level of the
output and is continuously variable from
4 (infinity/off) to +10dBu.
Item Description
1 playback to masters control knob The level of the input is continuously
variable from
4 (infinity/off) to +10dB (the nominal level is referenced to
Item Description