60 Chapter 7: Output Section
Operator Manual
The hierarchy of the three pairs of FireWire override buttons can be summarised by the
• The right button of the pair overrides any FireWire output.
• The left button of the pair only overrides the stereo input channel FireWire output
The buttons are latching, so pressing one when its associated FireWire output is being
used will cancel it, reverting to the default condition.
Using the override buttons in the firewire output select section. The example uses
stereo channel 25-26 of an F32 console.
Stereo input
channel 25-26
With firewire out selected on the
stereo channel (default condition),
pressing the button on the left
overrides the default. Pressing this
button again removes the override,
returning to default.
With group 1-2 firewire overriding the
stereo channel, pressing the left
button has no effect.
With firewire out selected on the
stereo channel (default condition),
pressing the button on the right
overrides the default and also the left
button (if pressed).