56 Chapter 7: Output Section
Operator Manual
Output module notes
Before looking at the function of the output section of the console, it is essential that
you are comfortable with a few of the console’s features that affect groups, matrices
and auxes. Rather than discuss these features in each section (although they will be
repeated there), an understanding of their function in a more general context is
Group-aux changeover
The VeniceF can be used as a front of house (FOH) console or
monitor console. Monitor engineers tend to prefer the output
faders on their console to operate the aux outputs (for monitors),
whereas FOH engineers would rather use their output faders for
groups (either for sub mixes or alternative outputs).
To achieve this flexibility, the VeniceF has an aux c/o
(aux/group changeover) switch, so that each output can be
individually ‘changed over’ so that the group output path
becomes that of the aux output and vice versa.
The VeniceF has been developed with real world sound engineers
in mind. The real flexibility of the VeniceF is in the speed in
which the changeover can be made and also the ability to create
a console that can be used for FOH and monitors in a smaller venue where you still
need monitors, but don’t have space for a monitor engineer or console.
Pressing the aux c/o switch will connect the aux bus to the group insert, group mute,
group meter, group solo, group fader, group pan and finally the group output XLR.
The group bus is connected to the aux output pot and to the aux output XLR.
This routing flexibility is available on each of the four group/aux buses.
>> To operate the aux c/o switch
We recommend using a pointed (but not sharp) object, such as a ballpoint pen.
Meter changeover
You can meter the monitor (1 and 2) or
matrix (1 and 2) outputs, rather than the
group outputs. For example, if using the
matrix outputs to drive delay speakers, it
may be desirable to monitor those
Note: If you have used the group
aux c/o switch, the group meters will
show the aux outputs.
The monitor and matrix switches send the
relevant signal to the meter array.
Note: Meters are post-fader and post-mute.
For more information on VeniceF signal routing, see Appendix A "Functional Block
Diagrams" on page 73.