Operator Manual
Appendix F: Service Information
This appendix give details of how to look after your VeniceF.
Routine maintenance
To help keep your VeniceF unit in good working order and to make sure it gives you
optimum performance, we recommend that you carry out the following about once
every month.
• Clean the console, as detailed in “Cleaning the console” below.
• Check controls for freedom of operation. As the controls are ‘self-cleaning’, this
operation will help to prevent them from sticking.
• Check the functionality of all controls, that is, control knobs, faders, pushbuttons,
LEDs, etc.
• Check the functionality of the equipment.
Cleaning the console
Switch off the console and electrically isolate it from the mains before cleaning.
Clean the console using a dry, lint-free cloth. Do not use harsh abrasives or solvents.
When cleaning the console, take great care not to damage faders, pushbuttons, etc.
If you encounter ground loop problems, see Appendix E "Best Grounding Practice" on
page 103.
Special accessories
To comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules, any special accessories (that is, items that
cannot be readily obtained from multiple retail outlets) supplied with this equipment
must be used with this equipment; do not use any alternatives as they may not fulfil
the RF requirement.
Optional equipment
Unless advised otherwise, optional equipment must only be installed by
service personnel and in accordance with the appropriate assembly and usage